Course Module


Breech Birth

Breech Birth  - Google Doc

or search for the PDF of this module here.

*NOTE: NMI's Study Group module formatting guidelines specify that students provide the text of each question, followed by a blank line and then their response. Sometimes cutting and pasting from the above pdf version causes formatting issues in your word processing document. If this occurs, please use the Google Doc version of the module to make a copy and save to drive.

Practice Guidelines Guidance

Online Resources




There are many videos on breech birth online. We strongly encourage you to watch as many as you can so you can begin to “know normal” and see how breech works as well as when it is time to intervene.

Breech Release Skills Review with Nicole Morales CPM, hosted by Tema Mercado, CPM

In this special Hive Mind session, NMI Instructor and Midwife Tema Mercado invites Nicole Morales to review Breech Birth Skills. Nicole shares with us the normal sequence of birth in breech presentations, and how to notice when breech birth deviates from normal, and when the baby may need our help. She goes over a few breech-release maneuvers and imparts her wisdom and knowledge on the breech birth.

Breech Water Birth at Home

This is a midwife attended breech at home in New Zealand where breech is considered normal out of hospital. The midwife patiently waits for the delivery of the head. Great learning video
