Course Module


Placenta - Google Doc

or search for the PDF of this module here.

*NOTE: NMI's Study Group module formatting guidelines specify that students provide the text of each question, followed by a blank line and then their response. Sometimes cutting and pasting from the above pdf version causes formatting issues in your word processing document. If this occurs, please use the Google Doc version of the module to make a copy and save to drive.

Practice Guidelines Guidance

Online Resources

Needed for completion of module

Placenta Slide Show

Facebook Group

Patricia Edmond’s Facebook Group, The Placenta: A Guide for Examination



Examination of the Placenta

Reproductive Health Library


This video demonstrates the methods for examination of the placenta.


Placenta Examination

Gloria Lemay 


Healthy, full term placenta features. Gloria Lemay


Umbilical Vessels & the Ductus Venosus

Khan Academy


Watch as fetal blood goes through umbilical vessels and takes a shortcut through the Ductus Venosus to make it back to the heart. Rishi is a pediatric infectious disease physician and works at Khan Academy. Created by Rishi Desai. 

Meet the Placenta! | Reproductive System Physiology

Khan Academy


Learn how the needs of the fetus are met by the placenta, which is a special organ that belongs to both the mother and the fetus! Rishi is a pediatric infectious disease physician and works at Khan Academy. Created by Rishi Desai.

Khan Academy on Preeclampsia. Great illustration of placental formation and how the trophoblast cells invade the spiral arteries. This is an excerpt from a longer lesson on Pregnancy & Pregnancy Complications. For the full video, go Khan Academy at: