Course Module


Lifelong Reproductive Healthcare - Google Doc

or search for the PDF of this module here.

*NOTE: NMI's Study Group module formatting guidelines specify that students provide the text of each question, followed by a blank line and then their response. Sometimes cutting and pasting from the above pdf version causes formatting issues in your word processing document. If this occurs, please use the Google Doc version of the module to make a copy and save to drive.

Practice Guidelines Guidance

Online Resources





Birth Control

Emergency Contraception

Pregnancy Options

Pap smears and Pelvic Exams

Uterine Conditions, Syndromes, Anomalies

Reproductive Cancers

IUI and Pre-Conception

Trans Health

Hormone Replacement Therapy

Reproductive Justice

Legacy of Experimentation on Black and Brown Bodies for Gynecology

General Sexual Health



Menopause is Misunderstood

TEDx: a history of negativity surrounding menopause-from the media and the medical community-has built up a wall of misunderstanding, fear and confusion

11:38 minutes